CB: At first, I felt happiness and joy. Then my back started to seize. I had a nasty fall on Wednesday. On the morning of the deciding competition, I felt like an elderly woman. I could barely move. A good warm-up and adrenaline carried me through the day. Then I was back in pain. I also thought I might have a good chance to start the next season in the World Cup.
IF: I was actually surprised. I was not aware my point advantage over Sivert (Bakken) was big enough to win a week before the season’s end. When the coaches told me that the Total Score is mine, it felt very cool.
CB: To win a Total Score means you were the most consistent among the best athletes in the field over four months. And that is not easy at all. I know what I am talking about as I lost almost two entire seasons to injuries or illness. I am very proud of this achievement. It is a realisation of my dreams. Of course, I have even bigger dreams, but winning the IBU Cup Total Score was one of them. Last year I saw Oceane Michelon holding the trophy and now it is me.
IF: It has been a crazy good season, a great ride from the opening race in Idrefjall until here, in Otepaa. It was a goal for me before the season. So, I am really happy.
CB: Finishing second in the Pursuit in the first week of Otepaa as it brought me the Pursuit Cup Score win - the first in my career.
IF: It's hard to choose just one moment; I believe my stability has been my greatest strength. The highlight has to be winning the gold in the Individual at the Open European Championships in Martell-Val Martello.
CB: I will celebrate with my family. My dad, mum and sisters are always there for me, supporting me in good times and in best times. There are many people who are part of this win, family, coaches, technicians, friends.
IF: I am not an extrovert so I am not that good on parties. I will play golf with my friends and family.
CB: That win a gold medal at the Olympic Winter Games 2030 in French Alps, in Annecy - Le Grand-Bornand.
IF: That I am an Olympic champion.
Photo: Hendrik Osula