After two highly disappointing seasons, plagued with the poor prone shooting form, Lisa Vittozzi came back roaring in the first week of this season's BMW IBU World Cup. She finished third in the Individual, second in the Sprint and fourth in the Pursuit. The first four shooting stages of the season brought her confidence and a grin back. Watch this space - we have an exclusive with Vittozzi later today.
Hanna Oeberg and Martin Ponsiluoma had just built a house together in the summer. They were both in great form in Kontiolahti, winning in the Individual and opening the new season on a high note. Listen to the tips they gave each other.
Denise Herrmann-Wick and Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold, going head-to-head in the final leg of Women's 4x6km Relay, shot in complete synchrony in the prone, both hitting 5/5, firing five times in (almost) the same instant. They continued their unusual symbiosis in the Sprint, as they finished joined sixth, 31.6 seconds behind another Lisa with a big week: Lisa Theresa Hauser of Austria.
Niklas Hartweg, IBU Junior Cup Total Score Winner in the 2019/2020 season, shot 20/20 and finished second in the Individual. It was his first-ever BMW IBU World Cup podium. 2022/2023 is Hartweg's first senior season. He also matched Benni Weger's 2nd place in the Individual from Pokljuka 2010/2011 as an all-time best for Swiss men biathlon.
Endre Stroemsheim was in a mind-blowing form in Idre Fjall, winning in both sprints and in the individual and finishing second in the pursuit. He was the fastest skier in Sweden and among the fastest on the shooting range.
“This is my best-ever start to the season and it feels great,” said Stroemsheim.
Photo: IBU Photopool