Von Heimsiegen bis zu neuen Bestleistungen war in Pokljuka alles geboten. Diese vier Athlet*innen haben sich bei den schwierigen Bedingungen in Slowenien besonders gut geschlagen. Wer verdient den Titel „Athlet*in der Woche“?
A week before the last hurrah of his first full-time BMW IBU World Cup season, Niklas Hartweg felt he had nothing left to give. He posted a telling message: “Batteries dead." In a dramatic reversal of fortunes, Hartweg cleared all 50 targets in Oslo-Holmenkollen, transformed 32nd place in the Sprint into 6th in the Pursuit, and closed the season with the 2nd place in the Mass start and the winner of the Men’s U25 Cup Score, a worthy successor to Sturla Holm Laegreid.