Calls for concrete climate actions that truly make an impact. «Only that will save our sport», The Norwegian Biathlon Association says.
Narrow slopes made from artificial snow winding through green fields and plains has become everyday life for winter sport athletes. Today, The Norwegian Biathlon Association launches a new project in the fight against climate change.
«The Snow Crystal Project is a symbol for our impatience for climate measures and plans that truly contribute to saving our winters and our sport. We hereby encourage the politicians to work faster and develop credible action plans», says General Secretary of the Norwegian Biathlon Association, Morten Djupvik.
The Norwegian company DNV estimates that Norway only will manage to cut 25 percent of emissions by 2030, and not the 55 percent that is committed for. According to climate scientists at the Norwegian Institute of Meteorology, the capital Oslo has lost 21 snow days during the last 30 years. The Northern city of Tromsoe has lost 17.
«Today’s young talents in biathlon will be at their peak in the middle of the decade in chich the Climate Panel fear we will pass 1,5 degrees of global warming. Where will we find snow and skiing opportunities in Norway in the future? », the General Secretary of the Norwegian Biathlon Association, Morten Djupvik asks.
The two biathletes Sturla Holm Laegreid and Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold are among the involved athletes.
«We are certainly part of the problem, and therefore we want to use our voice to highlight the issue. I want to try to save our winters, but I'm a biathlete - not a climate expert. Everyone has to contribute in their own way, and this is my contribution here today», says Sturla Holm Laegreid who is supported by teammate Landmark Tandrevold.
«Our message is that both the authorities, the corporate world and of course us in the sport industry must do more. Anyone who loves winter can join the campaign, and we hope this can inspire more people», says Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold.
The Norwegian Biathlon Association launches the project during the World Cup in Ruhpolding and marks the campaign through wearing a melting snow crystal on their jacket as a reminder that our winters are threatened, and as a call to politicians to "hurry up". «We are developing our own action plan to reduce our emissions where we look at four major factors: transport, food, snow production and equipment. We will involve the entire biathlon family and our partners so that the measures we agree on are well established when presented», says Morten Djupvik, secretary general of the Norwegian Biathlon Union.