The Biathlon 4 All Initiative Takes Flight

The "Biathlon 4 All" project was initiated by the International Biathlon Union this year with the ambitious goal of inspiring and motivating children and youth worldwide to engage in the captivating sport of biathlon. As part of this project, the IBU has already dispatched complete sets of laser and optical rifles to 22 National Federations (NFs). This step marks a significant milestone in the project and ensures the implementation of this equipment in the NFs recruitment actions.

The core of this project is the "Biathlon 4 All" program, which supports selected NFs in effectively implementing their action plans for the recruitment and training of children and youths. The equipment, including laser or optical rifles, targets, support materials, and mats, will assist the NFs in safely and efficiently imparting biathlon skills. To ensure the smooth execution of the project, NFs were required to submit action plans in advance and appoint a project coordinator (PC) to oversee project implementation and ensure reporting and feedback about the equipment.

Project objectives:

  • Increase access to biathlon using laser rifles by providing education and co-funding equipment for all active National Federations.

  • Creating a database about biathlon activities by collecting the numbers of kids participating in the program (+clubs/schools)

  • Monitoring the kids and youths’ participation in the recruitment and training process

  • Integrating NFs around joint projects makes biathlon popular worldwide, creating opportunities for good practices exchange.

  • Increase National Federations’ domestic activities (annual number of starts, active clubs, held competitions, and provided education activities)

  • Promoting Olympic values

Each National Federation has the opportunity to receive up to ten complete laser or optical rifle sets to conduct the planned activities successfully. Part of the project is a best practice and experience sharing and contribution to the further development of the IBU Biathlon 4 All toolkit/guideline - Kids and Youth’s introduction to biathlon training (available for physical education teachers, instructors, and coaches). This exchange of experiences will help to identify best practices and enhance the quality of biathlon education for children and youths.

In 2024, a conference on the further development of the laser and optical system and IBU toolkit will take place in May. This conference will set further steps to promote biathlon sports for children and youth worldwide. The "Biathlon 4 All" project underscores the IBU's commitment to the development of biathlon and the vision of broader participation in this captivating sport.

In September, the IBU Executive Board allocated an additional budget to the project, so by the end of the year, more than 40 NFs will be in the program.

Please contact @Dagmara Gerasimuk for more information.

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