First Career Victory for Elvira Oeberg

Sweden’s Elvira Oeberg, aggressive from the start took the lead after the first standing stage in today’s Annecy Le Grand Bornand women’s 10 km pursuit, and was never challenged, skiing to her first-ever BMW IBU World Cup victory in 29:27. Elvira’s two penalties were one more than second place Julia Simon of France, who finished 4.2 seconds back. Elvira’s sister Hanna finished third, with two penalties, 11.6 seconds back.

Header iconAnnecy Le Grand Bornand Women's 10 km Pursuit

“Dream come true”

Elvira beamed as she recounted the biggest day of her young career. “It is really a dream come true. I am so, so happy right now; I can’t really believe it!” “I can’t lose this!”

Recounting the decisive standing stages, she added, “It was a lot of fun. I also had to hunt especially in the first part of the race; I did not shoot very fast. With my sister shooting next to me, I had to work really hard in the tracks to keep up again. It was really tight and special to come in in the lead in the final standing…It is special being in the front. I have not been there that many times but I have learned a lot so far this season and had some experiences and they really helped me today. I took that into the shooting range with me… I am really happy how I dealt with it. It was a tough final lap, but I felt I can’t lose this!”

Yellow Bib Marte Olsbu Roeiseland of Norway, with three penalties finished fourth, 13.4 seconds back. Italy’s Lisa Vittozzi, with one penalty finished in a season-best fifth place, 19.6 seconds back. Austria’s Lisa Theresa Hauser with one penalty finished sixth, 30.7 seconds back.

Huge Crowds; Yellow Bib leads prone stages

Pursuit day saw crowds bigger than the two previous days and more spectacularly beautiful conditions, just above freezing and again virtually no wind, leaving the wind flags flat signaling another great day on the range. Olsbu Roeiseland set the pace, but Elvira, aggressive from the start went after the sprint leader, closing the gap into the first prone stage. The Norwegian cleaned in five steady shots while Elvira went to the penalty loop. Reztsova and Hauser were also perfect going out 28 seconds back with the Oeberg sisters at 36 seconds. 25 seconds separated the Yellow Bib from the field before the second prone stage, but she picked up a single penalty. Hanna and Hauser cleaned in five fast shots, going out with the Norwegian sandwiched between them with Elvira, who also went 5-for-5 at seven seconds back. Simon followed in fifth but 21 seconds off the leader’s pace.

Elvira moves up

Olsbu Roeiseland regained a ski-length lead by the first standing stage, with the Swedish sisters riding in her slip stream. Elvira cleaned while both Hanna and Olsbu Roeiseland went to the loop for two tours. This opened the door for the still clean duo of Hauser and Simon to leave second and third, 10.5 and 18.4 seconds back, respectively.

Single penalties

Elvira powered to a 11.5 second lead over Simon by the last standing. The top three all missed once. Coming out of the penalty loop, Elvira had just 3.6 seconds on the speedy Simon with Hanna and Olsbu Roeiseland both of whom shot clean side-by-side 16 seconds back with Hauser another two seconds back.

First and third for Team Oeberg

Elvira blew Simon away on the uphills, powerfully moving to a 9.6 second lead at the 9 km split with her sister and the Norwegian battling for the last podium spot. The young Swede threw her hands skyward as she crossed with her first-ever BMW IBU World Cup win, and collapsed in the snow. Simon was just as happy in second with a salute to the crowd as she crossed the finish line. Hanna flew past the Yellow Bib in the long downhill stretch to claim third place, giving team Oeberg a 1-3 finish.

Confident Finish

Hanna commented on the deciding final loop. “The final lap was perfect. It turned out perfect for me. Marte did a lot of the pacing in the start of the lap and we were a big group going out on it. Marte pushed hard and then it was just me and her left. I could pass her on the last bridge because I knew it was important to be first in the last downhill into the stadium. When I was first there, I felt really confident. I have good confidence in the end of races these nowadays.”

“Good Day for me”

Simon was more than pleased to be on the podium at home in France after the early part of the season had not gone her way. “I am really happy. It feels so good to be back. It was so tough to start the season with those races, bad races. I a happy here in France with all my friends and family here. It was a good day for me especially on the shooting range. I had good shooting. My shape was not the best; it was nice to fight against a strong girl today.”

Photos: IBU/ Manzoni, Thibaut

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