16th Ordinary IBU Congress

Here you can find all the documents for the 16th Ordinary IBU Congress 2024 in Belgrade, SRB, from 26-29 September 2024.

Congress Handbook

16th Congress Handbook 2024 (26 August 2024)

16. Kongress Handbook 2024 (26. August 2024)

Справочник ХVI Конгресса 2024 (26 aвгуста 2024 г.)

Presentation of the candidates for the IBU Technical Committee

Candidates for the Technical Committee 2024 (EN)Candidates for the Technical Committee 2024 (DE)Candidates for the Technical Committee 2024 (RU)

Target 26 Final Report

Please check back later - document will be available latest on 15 September

Target 2030 Strategic Plan

Please check back later - document will be available latest on 15 September

Activity Report 2024

Activity Report 2023

Congress Invitation

Invitation Congress 2024Einladung Kongress 2024Приглашение Конгресс 2024

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